Singapore 2012

By | March 27, 2021

Yearbook 2012

Singapore. After a prolonged period of popular dissatisfaction with the soaring salaries of top politicians, the government at the beginning of the year decided to sharply reduce ministerial salaries, and in the president’s case, the salary was reduced by 51%. After the radical reduction, however, the average ministerial salary was over US $ 800,000 per year, making Singaporean politicians some of the highest paid in the world. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong received an annual salary of more than US $ 1.7 million after the cuts, which was the highest salary in the government.

A decision was also made to abolish the high pensions of ministers and the president. Instead, a bonus system would be introduced, where the size of the bonus would depend on the country’s economic development, the general wage situation among Singaporeans and the proportion of unemployed in the country. Members of parliament would also receive reduced compensation.

The opposition Labor Party won a parliamentary election in May, where the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) has all but two mandates. The election election was about a mandate that the opposition already held earlier. Nevertheless, the election was symbolically important in the light of PAP’s relatively poor results in the 2011 parliamentary elections.

  • Provides most commonly used acronyms and abbreviations for Singapore. Also includes location map, major cities, and country overview.

The first wild strike in Singapore in over a quarter of a century occurred in December when over 170 Chinese guest-working drivers embarked on an illegal campaign demanding higher wages and better working conditions. One of the strikers was sentenced to a shorter prison sentence while 30 were expelled. Another five Chinese were prosecuted and awaiting trial.

The Singaporean economy continued to perform well and be stable with large foreign exchange reserves and relatively low inflation. While the downturn in the global economy has had a negative impact on export revenues periodically, with temporary weaknesses in growth, the big picture was a strong and balanced service economy.

Population 2012

According to countryaah, the population of Singapore in 2012 was 5,592,041, ranking number 114 in the world. The population growth rate was 1.740% yearly, and the population density was 7988.7886 people per km2.

Singapore Population 1960 - 2021

SINGAPORE. – Located at the obligatory crossing point between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, the island of Singapore (the Gibraltar of the East) was particularly cared for and equipped from the military point of view by the British, constantly adapting the fortifications to the times and progress of weapons and making it one of the most formidable strongholds in the world.

On the island – joined to the mainland by a large concrete dam, about 3 km long, on which the railway and a rolling stock cross the Johore canal – new fortification works were underway in recent years, which if not they were completed at the time of Japan’s entry into the war, giving the fortress a formidable power. Strong, armed with 381 and 452 guns, smaller-caliber batteries for the nearby defense, groups of torpedo tubes, mine barrages and maritime obstructions heavily defended the sea front and made the Strait of Malacca impassable without British permission.. A naval base had been established in Seletar which had a dry dock for ships of 50,000 tons. and a floating dock of equal capacity. They had been built, draining the swampy ground, three military airports (one of which near the naval base) and one civilian to the east of the city of Singapore. Located mainly inland and towards the northern part of the island, there were numerous constructions: reinforced concrete barracks for ammunition, food and material depots, and fuel tanks, water tanks, repair shops. Even the islets, which surround the island to the south, such as Ayer, Bukum, Sabarok, Blakang, Mati, St. John, had been armed with large caliber artillery (380 and 406 mm.). food and material depots, and fuel tanks, water tanks, repair shops. Even the islets, which surround the island to the south, such as Ayer, Bukum, Sabarok, Blakang, Mati, St. John, had been armed with large caliber artillery (380 and 406 mm.). food and material depots, and fuel tanks, water tanks, repair shops. Even the islets, which surround the island to the south, such as Ayer, Bukum, Sabarok, Blakang, Mati, St. John, had been armed with large caliber artillery (380 and 406 mm.).