e Guinea

Guinea, officially known as the Republic of Guinea, is located in West Africa, bordered by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Its coastline stretches along the Atlantic Ocean to the west.



Guinea experiences a tropical climate, characterized by wet and dry seasons. The coastal regions receive heavy rainfall, while the inland areas have a more arid climate. Temperatures are typically high throughout the year.


Guinea is home to diverse wildlife, including species like chimpanzees, elephants, leopards, and various types of monkeys. The country’s forests are also inhabited by numerous bird species and reptiles.

Longest Rivers:

The longest river in Guinea is the Niger River, which flows through the northeastern part of the country. Other significant rivers include the Senegal River, which forms part of the border with Senegal, and the Konkouré River.

Highest Mountains:

The highest peak in Guinea is Mount Nimba, which reaches an elevation of approximately 1,752 meters (5,748 feet) above sea level. The Fouta Djallon Highlands dominate much of the landscape, with numerous peaks and plateaus.



Guinea has a rich prehistoric heritage, with evidence of human habitation dating back thousands of years. The region was inhabited by various ethnic groups, including the Susu, Fulani, and Malinke, who engaged in agriculture, hunting, and trade.

Colonial Era:

The coastal regions of Guinea came under European influence in the 15th century, with Portuguese, French, and British traders establishing trading posts along the coast. In the 19th century, France gained control over much of the territory, forming French Guinea as part of French West Africa.

Independence and Modern Age:

Guinea gained independence from France in 1958, becoming the first French-speaking country in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve independence. Sékou Touré, the leader of the independence movement, became the country’s first president. Guinea has since experienced periods of political instability, including authoritarian rule and coups d’état.


Guinea has a diverse population of approximately 13 million people, comprising various ethnic groups, including the Fulani, Malinke, Susu, and Guerze. The majority of Guineans adhere to Islam, with Islam being the predominant religion in the country. French is the official language, although numerous indigenous languages are also spoken.

Administrative Divisions

Guinea is divided into eight administrative regions, each with its own governor and administrative structure. The administrative divisions of Guinea, along with their respective populations, are as follows:

  1. Conakry Region – Population: 2.5 million
  2. Boké Region – Population: 1.2 million
  3. Kindia Region – Population: 1 million
  4. Labé Region – Population: 1.5 million
  5. Nzérékoré Region – Population: 1.7 million
  6. Kankan Region – Population: 1.4 million
  7. Faranah Region – Population: 800,000
  8. Mamou Region – Population: 900,000

10 Largest Cities by Population

The largest cities in Guinea by population include:

  1. Conakry – Population: 2.5 million
  2. Nzérékoré – Population: 600,000
  3. Kankan – Population: 400,000
  4. Kindia – Population: 300,000
  5. Labé – Population: 200,000
  6. Kissidougou – Population: 150,000
  7. Gueckedou – Population: 140,000
  8. Faranah – Population: 120,000
  9. Boké – Population: 110,000
  10. Mamou – Population: 100,000

Education Systems


Education in Guinea is nominally free and compulsory for children aged 6 to 16, although access and quality remain significant challenges. The educational system comprises primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, with efforts ongoing to improve literacy rates and educational infrastructure.

Top Universities:

Some of the top universities in Guinea include:

  • Université Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry
  • Université Julius Nyerere de Kankan
  • Université Nongo Conakry
  • Université de Kankan
  • Université de Labé



Guinea has several airports, with Conakry International Airport being the main gateway for international and domestic flights. Other major airports include Kankan Airport, Nzérékoré Airport, and Labé Airport.


Guinea has a limited railway network primarily used for transporting bauxite and other minerals. The country’s railway system extends from Conakry to Kankan in the interior.


Guinea has an extensive road network, with major highways connecting the capital, Conakry, to other regions of the country. Some of the major highways include the N1, N5, and N6 highways.


The major ports in Guinea include the Port of Conakry, which serves as the country’s primary seaport for international trade. Other ports include the Port of Kamsar and the Port of Boké.

Country Facts

  • Population: Approximately 13 million
  • Capital: Conakry
  • Official Language: French
  • Religion: Islam
  • Ethnic Groups: Fulani, Malinke, Susu, Guerze
  • Currency: Guinean Franc (GNF)
  • ISO Country Code: GN
  • International Calling Code: +224
  • Top-Level Domain: .gn