Guinea Population

By | May 6, 2024

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Guinea is 12,527,440, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 12,527,440
Population growth rate 2.76%
Birth rate 35.10 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall 59.11 years
Men 57.60 years
Women 60.66 years
Age structure
0-14 years 41.40%
15-64 years 54.75%
65 years and above 3.85%
Median age 18.80 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 1.00
Population density 50.95 residents per km²
Urbanization 34.90%
39% Fulbe (Peul, Tukulör), Manding (24% Malinké; 11% Susu, Kuranko, Dialonke), 7% Kissi, 5% Kpelle and others
Muslims 85%, Christians 8%, indigenous religions 7%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.466
HDI ranking 174th out of 194

People in Guinea

About 20 peoples live in Guinea. The Fulbe have the largest share with 40.3 percent. Mandinka are 25.8 percent of the population and Susu 11 percent. Minorities are the Kissi with 6.5 percent, the Kpelle with 4.8 percent and other small ethnic groups.

Susu live mainly on the coast, Fulbe in the middle of the country and Mandinka in the east (Upper Guinea). In the southeast, the small ethnic groups like the Kissi live in the local rainforest. 36 out of 100 people in Guinea live in the city. So the majority live in the country. However, people are always moving to the cities.

The children of Guinea

Every woman in Guinea has an average of almost five children (4.7). That is much. With us, each woman has an average of only 1.4 children. Children and young people in Guinea make up a large proportion of the population. A little more than half of the population is under 18 years of age.

Infant mortality is 3.1 percent, child mortality 6.5 percent (as of 2018, ours: 0.2 and 0.3 percent). That means: more than three out of 100 newborn children die, more than six out of 100 do not celebrate their first birthday. The numbers have been going down over the past few decades, but they’re still too high.

Languages in Guinea

The official language is French. This is a legacy from colonial times when Guinea was a French colony. Classes are taught in French, all official documents are in French and it is also the dominant language on television.

In addition, over 20 other languages ​​are spoken in Guinea, because every people has its own language. Most of the speakers have Fulfulde, the language of the Fulbe, who also make up the largest proportion of the population. Mandinka speak Mandinka, Susu speak Susu – the peoples often have the same names as their language.

Fulfulde is written with Latin letters, supplemented by other letters such as ɲ, ɓ, ɗ or ƴ. A few examples: Mi andaani means “I don’t know”, Miŋmi ɗo means “I’m here” and whoever says Mi yiddi ñamde hunde wants something to eat (“I want to eat”).

Religions in Guinea

90 percent of the population of Guinea are Muslims, so they belong to Islam. Christians are about five percent. Another five percent follow traditional religions. They believe that their ancestors will continue to influence their lives. They venerate these ancestors and try to make them agree. They practice cults and rituals.

Guinea Overview

Guinea, located on the West African coast, is known for its rich deposits of gold, diamonds, and bauxite, making it one of the world’s top bauxite producers. The landscape is remarkably varied, ranging from the sandy beaches of its Atlantic coastline to dense forests and the towering Fouta Djallon highlands. The capital, Conakry, is situated on the Tombo Island and connected to the mainland by a causeway; it is a vibrant city known for its lively markets and music scene, particularly for being a hub for West African rhythms.

State Facts of Guinea:

  • Capital City: Conakry
  • Population: Approximately 13.1 million
  • Area: Approximately 245,857 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Republic of Guinea
  • Currency: Guinean franc (GNF)
  • Language: French
  • ISO Country Codes: GN, GIN, 324

Bordering Countries of Guinea

Guinea is bordered by five countries in West Africa, namely Guinea-Bissau to the northwest, Senegal to the north, Mali to the northeast, Côte d’Ivoire to the east, and Liberia and Sierra Leone to the south. The total length of Guinea’s land borders is 2,098 kilometers.

The border with Guinea-Bissau follows a combination of rivers and mountains for a total length of 600 kilometers. This border was established in 1974 after an agreement between both countries. The Senegal-Guinea border runs for 330 kilometers and consists mostly of rivers and lagoons in the delta region along Casamance River. To its northeast lies Mali with whom it shares a 794-kilometer land boundary across Kouroussa Prefecture. This border was established in 1959 following an agreement between both countries.

Côte d’Ivoire has a 310 kilometer long boundary with Guinea that runs across Nzérékoré Prefecture from east to west. This boundary was established as part of a peace treaty signed between both countries in 1962 after years of conflict in this region. Finally, Liberia and Sierra Leone share a 294-kilometer long boundary with Guinea that runs along Lola Prefecture from north to south. This border was also established as part of a peace treaty signed between all three countries in 1966 which ended years of conflict in this region.


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